On May 24th, MetaTrads held an AMA on discord

Hi, MetaTrads fans in Discord! I am Bill who represents MetaTrads in the Discord community, and we’re thrilled to have Rebecca, the Director of Marketing in MetaTrads, join us in our AMA! Hi, my name is Rebecca and I’m glad to be here with all of you! I’m sure a lot of people are excited …

MetaTrads, A new generation of NFT trading platform

On May 20, Elliott, head of MetaTrads Asia, visited the nightshade community and held an AMA event to learn more about MetaTrads. Here is a recap of the AMA event: 1. Recently when we think of NFT, we think of MetaTrads, how did MetaTrads come about? We all know that NFTs are very popular, but …

BOB Sports, building a new LEGO for the block sports economy

Introduction: The BOB ecosystem will build a strong sports competition ecosystem, integrating NFT+DEFI+DAO+Metaverse+Free Agreement+Equity model, empowering global sports fans and users, and truly realizing the circulation and users of the global sports competition ecosystem return of behavior. BOB ecological prosperity and diversity At present, on-chain sports are significantly changing the experience of sports fans, and …

GetDAO Platform – A Diverse DeFi Ecosystem

GetDAO is a decentralized exchange, providing liquidity and enabling peer-to-peer transactions on the Binance Network. We are currently the leading DEX on the network. The goal is to provide a comprehensive and convenient, one-stop platform for the cryptocurrency community. GetDAO is committed to becoming the next epoch-making decentralized / community-driven DAO platform ecosystem. Bringing Crypto …

MoonDAO could send users to outer space with a free NFT collection

MoonDAO has purchased two tickets to space with Blue Origin and will select the astronauts through a public drawing and other contest features. Anyone can win a chance to go to space by minting a “Ticket to Space” NFT. One must be on the Moonlist to mint. The NFT tickets go on sale on May 29, at 3 …

When DAO Consensus Meets Chain Games - The Next Consensus Innovation of EGGDAO

With the development of blockchain technology in recent years and the upgrading of the Internet gradually becoming a reality (Web 3.0), a form of organizational collaboration that is more suitable for modern and even future - DAO, appears in front of us. DAO (Decentralized autonomous organization), that is, a decentralized autonomous organization, is a digital world organization …

To launch NFT of MetaTrads’s trading platform and create the myth of fortune!

In recent years, with the boom of NFT market, the competition for NFT trading platforms has become increasingly fierce. MetaTrads is a new NFT trading platform, which stands out in the NFT trading market with its novel model. Not long ago, MetaTrads officially announced that the MetaTrads platform intends to launch its official NFT, which is …

How to bring digital transformation to the healthcare industry? UMN united medical chain to create a new model of diversified medical care

When we talk about medical care, we may think of high medical bills, expensive drugs, long appointment cycles, and a constant shortage of treatment beds. And this phenomenon exists in most countries, making the medical industry an important measure of people’s living standards. In our survey, public hospitals in various countries are basically in a …

A group is rising in the blockchain industry: HyperLedger Group

The HyperLedger Group without a great team to be supported, cannot rise. Under the umbrella of HyperLedger Group, X-Force focuses on investments, and Apis News focuses on Token Services. And for the solid support and the backbone in HyperLedger Group, there is also a 0x90 Team focusing on blockchain project operation and consulting, and a well-known marketing team Blockchain Cheese and GrandBit is a professional …

Bitkeep Multi-Chain Wallet and MetaHero Games have a strategic cooperation and jointly held a successful AMA event on May 13

On May 13th, MetaHero and the BitKeep community jointly held a huge AMA event. The event site was extremely popular, and community members from all over the world continued to pour in. It instantly surged to more than 3,000 community members. The number of community members is still growing. Bitkeep Multi-chain wallets continue to bring …